Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Digestive System

The Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT)
The Mouth
·  The mouth: the oral( buccal) cavity is the entrance of the digestive system.
·  The initiation of digestion for the carbohydrates occurs in the mouth by the secretion of the saliva.
·  The mouth opens posteriorly at the pharynx by the oropharynx, which leads to the esophagus inferiorly.
·  During the swallowing, the epiglottis closes the larynx to prevent the leakage of any drink or food particles to the trachea.
·  The bolus: ground food mixed with the saliva.

The Esophagus
·  The esophagus: a muscular tube extends from the laryngopharynx passes through the mediastinum anterior to the vertebral column, pierces the diaphragm through the esophageal hiatus.

The Stomach
·  J-shaped enlargement of the GIT.
·  The Cardia: surrounds the superior opening of the stomach.
·  The Fundus: rounded portion superior and left to the cardia.
·  The body: largest central portion of the stomach.
·  The pylorus: region of the stomach connects to the duodenum.
·  Cardiac valve( sphincter): between the esophagus and stomach.
·  Pyloric valve( sphincter): between the stomach and the duodenum.
·  Lesser curvature: concave medial border of the stomach.
·  Greater curvature: convex lateral border of the stomach.
·  The chyme: macerated food and mixed with the gastric secretion.
·  The smooth muscles are oriented into three layers: the circular, longitudinal and oblique.
·  The rugae: the large folds of the stomach mucosal layer.
The Small Intestine
·  The site of major events of digestion and absorption.
·  The duodenum: the proximal shortest part(25cm)
·  The jejunum: the middle part of the small intestine, found empty at death.
·  The ileum: the distal part connected to the large intestine by the ileocecal sphincter.
The large Intestine
·  The terminal part of GIT which surrounds the small intestine.
·  The eliocecal sphincter separates between the small and large intestine.
·  The cecum: blind pouch inferior to the eliocecal valve.
·  The vermiform appendix: twisted tube attached to the cecum.
·  The ascending colon: ascends at the right side of the abdomen, reaching the inferior surface of the liver.
·  The transverse colon: extends from the most left side to the most right side of the abdominal cavity superiorly.
·  The descending colon: descends inferior to the spleen to the level of iliac crest.
·  The sigmoid colon: begins near the left iliac crest, projest medially to the midline.
·  The rectum: the last 20 cm of GIT, lies anterior to sacrum and coccyx.
·  The hepatic flexure: the right curvature of the colon.
·  The splenic flexure: the left curvature of the colon.
·  The anal canal: the last2-3cm of the rectum.
·   The anal column: longitudinal folds of the mucous membrane of the anal canal.
·  The anus: the external opening of the anal canal.
·  The Haustra: pouch-like structures give the colon the puckered appearance.
·  The  Tenia coli: three thickened portions of the large intestine longitudinal smooth muscles.

The Accessories of the GIT
         The Pancreas
·        12-15cm long,2.5cm thick gland.
·        The head: the expanded portion near the duodenum
·        The body: lateral to the head.
·        The tail: lateral to the body.
·        Pancreatic duct (Duct of Wirsung): the larger duct of pancreas to the small intestine.
·        Hepatopancreatic ampulla( ampulla of Vater): the shared space in the small intestine between the pancreatic duct and common bile duct from the liver and gall bladder.
·        The accessory duct( duct of Santorini): the smaller duct of the pancreas, superior to hepatopancreatic ampulla.

The Liver and the gall bladder
·        The heaviest gland of the body.
·        Lies inferior to the diaphragm at the right side.
·        The larger right lobe is connected with the smaller left lobe by the falciform ligament.
·        Inferiorly the quadrate lobe and posteriorly the caudate lobe are found.
·        Ligament teres: between the liver and the umbilicus.
·        Right and left coronary ligaments: suspend the liver from the diaphragm.
·        The gallbladder: the fundus, body and the neck.
** the right hepatic duct and the left hepatic duct open at the common hepatic duct.
**the common hepatic duct and the cystic duct open in the common bile duct.
** the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct open in the hepatopancreatic ampulla.


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